My name: Ansol
play time in games:2-12+ hrs a day (depends on school/work/other stuff)
reason to pick hope: ive always liked hope for friendlyness and chatting, when im not grinding thats what i want most
member who reffered you: duckie posted that hope was recruiting back on old celestia forums and i jumped at the chance
play schedule: basically all my free time, as soon as work and school are done until late at night(too late), but i cant promise that it will all be celestia, but if im on another game ill often stay to chat during loading
time zone: GMT -7
describe me: 17 yr old canadian male who simply likes to fritter his time away on games music manga and books, enjoys chatting with friends.... cant really think of anything else (yeah, you heard right, i have no life)
id definitely be willing to try out new games and expand hope, but as for a leadership role im not so sure, never done it before and dont think it would suit me but if asked i would give a try